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Mette's plan was this:
     1) Stop packing immediately. Just relax. Think everything through. Remember that time I told her that this short film was the most important thing I will have ever done up until now. Remember that I told her if I didn't do it, it will be the biggest failure of my life up until now and that I might as well cash in my chips. Remember that I promised her we would do it.
     2) Stay and shoot the movie on Friday. If necessary, I could sleep at her house, depending on whether or not the authorities know where I live. Since I lied on the visa extension forms, that wouldn't be necessary. I should lay low right there in my flat, wait until Friday, go in and shoot the movie, and leave that night.
     3) Catch a ride leaving Copenhagen and head for the border, somewhere far away, on Fyn perhaps. Get dropped off in a field by the border somewhere and run across into Germany. Get picked up on the other side and head for Dresden.
     3b) Hop on the train to Malmo. They almost never check passports on that train.

Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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