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In a brightly lit tunnel, an extremely long and empty escalator whirs downward. JARO KRIZOVA, a young man with a wiry frame and taut features suggesting not to be bothered boards the escalator and begins his steady descent down into the UNDERBYEN. As the opening credits begin, we notice he is glaringly alone, staring into his stark future.
From his point of view, we see a figure enter the frame from beyond the tunnel and stand at the bottom of the escalator as if he's waiting for Jaro to reach the bottom. Jaro has no reaction.
Again, from the top of the frame, a new figure appears and stands near the first one at the bottom of the escalator. Jaro is still too far away to make out who they are. He is expressionless.
As the escalator continues to send Jaro further and further down the escalator, more and more figures come and stand at the bottom waiting for Jaro, covering the whole area at the end of the escalator.
When Jaro is close enough to make out their features, we see that each person is either wearing a mask or their faces are horribly distorted.
Jaro reaches the bottom and gets jostled by the men standing there waiting for him as if they've latched onto him and are taking him somewhere.
                              CUT TO:


Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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