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It's pretty difficult to think back and pinpoint the exact moment when what was happening around me began to meld perfectly with what I was trying to create. I think I can pinpoint Rasheed's anger as one of the original connections.
     I'd been considering getting Rasheed to play these pivotal male roles in my films, probably becoming one of the central characters. For this reason, his anger began to affect the way I looked at his character. Also, he had a conspiracy theory about his girlfriend's father's murder. It might be a stretch to call it a conspiracy theory. I inferred the conspiracy part . . . and mostly the theory part too.
     Rasheed was simply trying to place some blame. And part of that blame, according to Rasheed, should have gone to Rasheed's girlfriend's father's boss, who'd been receiving threatening emails from the killer for a few months prior to the homicide. Despite all the warning, Rasheed claimed that his girlfriend's father's boss did nothing to interfere with the killer's intentions. Rasheed also claimed that his girlfriend's father's boss was, generally speaking, up to a fair amount of no good in the first place with a poor sense of hospital management, occasionally accepting dirty money, etc.
     From all this, Rasheed's character was born, practically right there, in that spot, listening to Rasheed vent. Listening to all these compelling details, the whole thing began taking shape. The protagonist started to emerge from the underground on a mission to avenge his father's death.

Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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