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Carolyn Moore is a maskmaker (working chiefly in papier maché latex slip). In the past fifteen years, her writing has garnered over sixty awards and honors, including the New Millenium Writings Prize, The Spirit That Moves Us Fiction Prize (co-winner), and the H.G. Roberts Foundation's Writing Award. She is currently revising a collection awarded the C. Hamilton Bailey Fellowship in Poetry from Literary Arts, Inc. She declines to give further details on her two cozies (i.e., mystery novels featuring amateur sleuths) in print under her grandmother's maiden name. Carolyn taught for many years at Humboldt State University (Arcata, California) and now works as a freelance writer on the last remnant of the family farm in Tigard, Oregon. "The Short and Shorter at the Heart of It" is her first story published online.
Paul Cuddihy is 37 and lives in Glasgow, Scotland with his wife and three children. He is currently the editor of the Celtic View, the official magazine of Celtic Football Club. He wrote the first draft of "Granda" on the plane home from Seville after the UEFA Cup final in May 2003.
Janice J. Heiss' writing has appeared in various publications including Limestone, Poetry Motel, Black Dirt, Women's Words, Passages North, and the Lullwater Review. Her story "Missing Parts" appeared in Storyglossia Issue 4.
Deirdre Day-MacLeod has written about Britney Spears' bellybutton and is considered and expert on the "omphalos" in Portugal. She has also written about time management for optometrists, laundry on nuclear submarines for launderers, salty snacks, dog food, Mexico, the Erie canal, autobiographies of people who are not her, infanticide in 19th Century England, hair care products, nudity in public spaces, mothers who try too hard, infanticide in 20th century United States, bread products, things to do with children (other than killing them), Barbie dolls and more. In between she wrote a novel (as yet unpublished) and is completing a book of stories, Better Sex More Often. Her work has appeared in Taint, Slow Trains, Opium and Pindeldyboz and she regularly writes about music and books for Pop Matters and others. Her story "In the Dream" appeared in Storyglossia Issue 6.
Linda Boroff grew up in Minneapolis, came to California as a teenager, graduated from UC Berkeley in English Lit. Her short stories have appeared in Epoch, Cimarron Review, Prism International, Artisan, In Posse Review, Pulse, Starry Night Review, Stirring, The Pedestal Magazine, Cyber Oasis, FictionWarehouse, Zacatecas Review, Eyeshot, Pig Iron Malt, The ShadowShow, The Summerset Review and Outsider Ink. Her feature screenplay, Riviera Drive, is currently filming in Los Angeles, and her first novel is underway (perennially).

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