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The fast zooms are tell-tale signs we'd set out to have fun in the beginning. I am just messing around trying to find a shot that will showcase her natural beauty in the comfort of her bedroom, lying on her back on her bed. I quickly go from extreme close up to medium shot and back to close up, experimenting with the shutter speed and exposure with and without the yellow wall background. I also want her to talk.
     On the tape, you can hear me goading her, telling her to say something and giggling with her when she can't think of anything to say. I ask her to tell me what her fantasy is for a perfect night. She thinks for a long time. You can hear some soft music playing in the background. She turns to the camera to begin her explanation and I stop her. "In Danish," I say.
     "No," she says. "You can't understand."
     "Oh, I'll understand perfectly. Now look at the ceiling."
     She obeys me.
     We begin with a stark but gentle close up profile as she begins to describe her perfect night in her native tongue. I can only pick up two words. Hans and elsker. He and love. She mentions a few things and then stops and thinks for a moment before mentioning a few more things. She turns to see if I'm still taping and then goes back to concentrating on the subject at hand.
     Even though she is only inches away from me, I watch her through the viewfinder. She commands the whole frame with her glowing ebullience. She is modest but not afraid. A natural. I tell her so. You can see her relax as she giggles back.
     I try to keep the frame steady as I begin to detect a subtle shift in her mood. She falls silent for a long time. I wonder if she's through telling me about her perfect night and start to think of another provocative question to ask. She tugs her hair behind one ear and then softly continues.
     When she begins again, there is a clear difference. She follows each sentence with a long pause. Her words are more deliberate now. Her voice is beginning to quiver. I can still only guess what her words mean but I start to get a vague sense she may start to cry. Somehow this excites me. I worry she will want me to turn the camera off. She does not.
     Instead, she turns her head towards me and I see there is red in her eyes. She smiles sweetly, blinking and then quickly turning away for fear she might be exposing too much. But she continues, knowing I have no idea what she's saying.
     After some time, she finds the strength to continue, conveying a few more sentences and then stopping abruptly. She is shaken by what she has just revealed. She has no strength left. She begins to softly weep. The noises she makes as she does so are barely detectable over the soft music playing in the background.
     The camera stays static. No intrusive zoom. No indifferent pan. We watch as her strength dies and her emotions overtake her. She is alone.

Moviepants: Adventures in Underground Cinemascopia   
Copyright©2003 Jerry Pyle
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