Storyglossia, what is it?

"Storyglossia" is a word coined by editor Steven J. McDermott.

Stories matter.

Richard Rorty says this about novels:

What novels do for us is to let us know how people quite unlike ourselves think of themselves, how they contrive to put actions that appall us in a good light, how they give their lives meaning. The problem of how to live our own lives then becomes a problem of how to balance our needs against theirs, and their self-descriptions against ours. To have a more educated, developed and sophisticated moral outlook is to be able to grasp more of these needs, and to understand more of these self-descriptions.

From Richard Rorty's lecture on Redemption.

Stories matter more than novels in that regard. A diverse collection of stories can introduce you to more perspectives on life, and do so faster, than a novel can. A novel may take you deeper into a particular perspective than a story will, but if you read an equivalent number of story pages, all by different writers, your perspective on life is certain to be enlarged more than it would have been from reading a single novel, or perhaps even several novels.

Enlarge your perspective. Read STORYGLOSSIA